Antonio de Ulloa

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Source(s) of data

  • MORAES, Rubens Borba de. Bibliographia Brasiliana. Los Angeles: UCLA; Rio de Janeiro: Kosmos, 1983. 2 v.
  • WIKIMEDIA FOUNDATION. Wikipédia: a enciclopédia livre. Conteúdo enciclopédico de autoria coletiva. Disponível em:


Antonio de Ulloa (12 January 1716 – 3 July 1795) was a Spanish naval officer, scientist, and administrator. At the age of nineteen, he joined the French Geodesic Mission to what is now the country of Ecuador. That mission took more than eight years to complete its work, during which time Ulloa made many astronomical, natural, and social observations in South America. The reports of Ulloa's findings earned him an international reputation as a leading savant. Those reports include the first published observations of the metal platinum, later identified as a new chemical element. Ulloa was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1746, and as a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1751. Ulloa served the Spanish Crown as governor of Huancavelica (1758–64), in Perú, and superintendent of the quicksilver mines in the region. Following the defeat of France in the Seven Years' War, Ulloa was appointed as the first Spanish governor of Louisiana in 1766. His rule was strongly resisted by the French Creole colonists in New Orleans, who expelled him from the city in the Louisiana Rebellion of 1768. Ulloa continued to serve in the Spanish Navy, achieving the rank of vice-admiral and becoming its chief of operations.

Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
17891799Revolução Francesa
17831783Brasil Colônia: Luis da Cunha Meneses toma posse da Capitania de Minas Gerais
17881788Brasil Colônia: Luís da Cunha Meneses deixa o Governo de Minas Gerais
17921792Inconfidência Mineira: enforcamento de Tiradentes, em 21 de abril
17821782Brasil Colônia: Tomás Antônio Gonzaga chega a Vila Rica
17851785Brasil Colônia: a Coroa Portuguesa aumenta os impostos sobre o ouro nas Minas Gerais
17201720Cultura: criação, por D. João V, da Academia Portuguesa de História
17941794A Convenção Francesa aprova a abolição da escravidão em suas colônias
17891789Política: Ocorrem as primeiras eleições presidenciais nos Estados Unidos
17631763Brasil Colônia: com o desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil, Portugal eleva a colônia a Vice-Reinado
15001822Período Colonial no Brasil

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