Allain Manesson Mallet

Photo of the author

Information about the writer

  • Full name: Allain Manesson Mallet
  • Birth: 1630 - Paris, França
  • Decease: 1706 - Paris, França
  • Description: Engenheiro dos campos e exercícios do rei de Portugal e sargento maior de artilharia da província de Alemtejo.

Source(s) of data

  • MORAES, Rubens Borba de. Bibliographia Brasiliana. Los Angeles: UCLA; Rio de Janeiro: Kosmos, 1983. 2 v.


Alain Manesson Mallet (1630–1706) was a French cartographer and engineer. He started his career as a soldier in the army of Louis XIV, became a Sergeant-Major in the artillery and an Inspector of Fortifications. He also served under the King of Portugal, before returning to France, and his appointment to the court of Louis XIV. His military engineering and mathematical background led to his position teaching mathematics at court.His major publications were Description de L'Univers (1683) in 5 volumes, and Les Travaux de Mars ou l'Art de la Guerre (1684) in 3 volumes. His Description de L'Universe contains a wide variety of information, including star maps, maps of the ancient and modern world, and a synopsis of the customs, religion and government of the many nations included in his text. It has been suggested that his background as a teacher led to his being concerned with entertaining his readers. This concern manifested itself in the charming harbour scenes and rural landscapes that he included beneath his description of astronomical concepts and diagrams. Mallet himself drew most of the figures that were engraved for this book.

Beginning yearEnding yearDescription
16301654Brasil Colônia: período da segunda invasão holandesa em Pernambuco
16401640Portugal readquire sua autonomia com a Casa de Bragança
16821682Economia: Estabelecimento da Companhia de Comércio do Estado do Maranhão
16941694Destruição do Quilombo dos Palmares
16371644Brasil Colônia: permanência no Brasil do Príncipe Maurício de Nassau
16491649Economia: estabelecimento da Companhia Geral do Comércio do Brasil
16401640Fundação da Dinastia de Bragança
15001822Período Colonial no Brasil

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